Join us as we host our Annual Virtual Silent Auction!
Friday, October 18, 12:00 PM CDT – Friday, October 25, 9:00 PM CDT
We are hosting our annual silent auction virtually in honor of National Pitbull Awareness Month. Help us raise our goal of $15,000 so we can continue supporting our love-a-bulls and spreading education about Pitbull type dogs.
Auction items include gift cards from several Austin-based restaurants, breweries, and distilleries, local experiences, accessories for your furry friends, and more!
Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when bidding for our Silent Auction goes live!
About Love-A-Bull
Our mission is to promote responsible guardianship and improve the image and lives of pit bull-type dogs through community support, education, advocacy and rescue. We support the greater Austin, Texas community through spay/neuter clinics, housing resources, financial assistance and low-cost training. Love-A-Bull operates one of the country’s first all pit bull-type dog therapy programs, maintains a 100% foster-based, donation-based rescue program and promotes a more positive and accurate public image of all pit bull-type dogs through various outreach efforts.