LOVE-A-BULL, Inc. is an outgrowth of the former Austin American Pit Bull Terrier Meetup Group, which was formed in 2003. This social meetup group for owners and dogs to connect and form a community evolved into a group of people who wanted to see change. Since that time, organizers recognized that the political climate warranted the need for change. As a result, LOVE-A-BULL org achieved 501(c)(3) status in 2008 so that the group could more fully attain its mission and goals.
LOVE-A-BULL was organized to educate and advocate on behalf of the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier (all breeds commonly referred to as “pit bulls”) and pit bull mixes. The message we try to spread is that they are dogs, just like any other dog, they just happened to be called pit bulls.
Our mission is to promote responsible guardianship and improve the image and lives of pit bull-type dogs through community support, education, advocacy, and rescue. In 2020, we saved a record 200 pit bull-type dogs’ lives — more than quadruple the amount as in the previous year.
In our history as an organization, we have supported the community through spay/neuter and vaccination clinics, providing resources on Austin, TX pit bull-friendly housing, financial assistance, and low-cost training. We have also provided active advocacy against breed discriminatory legislation and started one of the country’s first all pit bull-type dog therapy programs. We currently maintain a foster-based rescue program and work daily to promote a more positive and accurate public image of all pit bull-type dogs through various local outreach and social media efforts.
LOVE-A-BULL regularly hosts fun activities, but its main goal is to promote advocacy and education. Our group is comprised of members who live in Austin and the surrounding areas, as well as national members who wish to support our mission. We welcome the support of proud pit bull parents and others interested in supporting the above ideals and those who will work to further our goals.