pit crew

LOVE-A-BULL’s Pit Crew is an award-winning all-pit bull and pit bull mix breed Canine Good Citizen and therapy dog program serving Austin, TX and surrounding areas. 

Our teams are more than just dogs who provide therapeutic interaction, but they improve moods, build confidence and heal hearts. Pit Crew teams work as ambassadors for their breed, helping to educate the community about dog safety, the humane care of animals and the importance of never judging a book by its cover.  

Where does the Pit Crew visit?

Our Pit Crew-trained dogs visit workplaces, elementary schools, colleges, hospice centers, hospitals, summer camps and LOVE-A-BULL events!

Check out some of our cool media and events coverage:

See Pit Crew in action on ‘The Hook’ at University of Texas

Types of Pit Crew Visits 

Request Pit Crew visits by emailing [email protected].

Join Pit Crew!

Is your dog a future thera-pittie? We are growing and would love for you and your well-socialized pit bull or pit bull mix to join our team! Email [email protected] if interested.

Want to know more about The Pit Crew? Visit our FAQ