Our organization supports positive based trainers and programs. Please let us know if you have a different experience with any of our recommendations.
Below is a list of resources on where to start with training at home, as well as recommendations for trainers in the Austin area. If you need further assistance with training, please e-mail training@love-a-bull.org.
Training Your Dog at Home:
Is your dog having trouble relaxing or settling? Relaxation Protocol by Dr. Karen Overall
Credit to Dog Possible for this list.
Mental and physical enrichment is necessary for every dog, and often times very fun for both of you! The needs are different for each dog, and some may enjoy a few things on this list more than others, but activities like sniffing, licking, and problem solving can help reduce stress levels and enrich their daily lives. It doesn’t have to be expensive, as there are a lot of DIY options, we encourage you to try a few!
Puzzles and Items: Snuffle mats, DIY Snuffle Mat, Lickimats (You can also smear peanut butter on a tupperware lid and freeze it), Kongs, Tumblers, Puzzles, Slow Feeders. You can use these items as extra snacks or even feed your dog their meals in a few of the options. For a meal time puzzle, this is our favorite.
Homemade Options:
Empty Amazon/cardboard boxes/paper bags – drop a few treats/kibble and then fold up the box and let him sniff and shred to get the treats.
Empty paper towel rolls – drop a few treats/kibble in and then tootsie roll the ends and let him sniff and shred to get the treats. Shredding is a completely normal dog behavior – we just of course want to direct and channel it to appropriate items!
Towel rolls/twists – lay out a beach towel flat and scatter some treats/kibble down the entire towel. Then either roll up the towel OR place your hand in the middle and twist it up, so he then has to sniff and nudge to find the treats.
We only recommend positive based trainers and training, as the biggest part of training is the relationship between you and your dog. We encourage you to take a look at the graphic below and keep these questions in mind when looking for a trainer.

Online Resources:
Dog Possible Blog – This blog is written by a certified behaviorist in the Austin area on various topics, we especially love her post on leash reactivity.
Grisha Stewart Academy of Dog Training and Behavior
Muzzle Up Project – Muzzles are a great tool for great dogs! This organization is working to remove the stigma and has a great explanation of how to start muzzle training here!
Trainers We Trust:
EveryDog Austin, 512-675-0444
Training, classes & workshops. Separation Anxiety Specialist available. EveryDog exists to make training accessible for everyone, financial assistance is available for all of their services simply by filling out the form here.
6 Week Classes: $160
Private Sessions: Virtual $95, In-Person $125
Emergency Virtual Sessions: $125
*Spanish-speaking sessions offered
Dog Possible, Certified Behaviorist Available
Relationship-based training with personalized written training plans & various unique training opportunities.
In-Person Initial appointment + written training plan: $145 Follow up appointment: $70-$100
Virtual Initial Appointment + Training Plan: $125 Follow up appointment: $95
Dog Possible also offers shared sessions for working on reactivity with well matched dogs, savvy stranger visits for practicing with new people, and a variety of other unique opportunities!
Force-free, choice based training
$160-250 classes and packages
Reward-based training
Tooth & Tail Dog Services, 512-507-0744
Human-focused training & boarding
Initial Phone Consult: free
1-hr Phone Training: $65
1-hr Virtual Training: $100
1-hr In-Person Training: $135
Lindsey Ortiz
Private Trainer
1-hour session: $75
New Vistas Canine, 512-940-7574
Positive training | Board & Train
30-min virtual train. consult: free
2-hour session: $160-200
30-day board and train: $2,150 (additional charges may apply)
There may be some instances in which your dog needs the support of a Veterinary Behaviorist. We recommend working with a trainer to determine if this is the next step for your dog.
We have had success working with Dr. Sirois at Paz Veterinary, 512-236-8000.