Young woman holding two brown puppies


Puppy Foster Coordinator

Monica fell in love with bully breeds when she and her husband rescued a tiny stray land seal named Apollo. From then on, she knew that cuddly beefcakes would always be her type. Love-A-Bull was put on her radar by a good friend who adopted the sweetest female adult dog through the rescue. She thought, “An entire rescue dedicated to saving and advocating for JUST my favorite breed?! Count me in!” She started out attending and volunteering at events, and then got her husband on board to start fostering. Her experience with fostering Love-A-Bulls was so rewarding and fulfilling. The support she received from the foster coordinators and volunteers made her see how special the Love-A-Bull community really is. She was thrilled to be asked to join the board as puppy foster coordinator in May of 2024. From fostering & coordinating with other fosters, to leading dog meets, dabbling in social media, and scheduling veterinary care, Monica‘s cup is filled wherever she can lend a hand.
Monica and her husband have two rescued pitties, and enjoy having a rotating cast of thirds as fosters. She hopes that their stories inspire others to see just how pure rescued pitties can be, and that fostering is for anyone!